Welcome to the Wesley Foundation
at the University of Delaware!
Welcome to the University of Delaware Wesley Foundation! There's always something happening at Wesley from community outreach and small groups to movie nights. We are affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but we welcome all University of Delaware students. If you’re looking for a place to serve others, make lifelong friends, and find a second home on campus, we invite you to come see what Wesley is all about.
We are located within Newark UMC at 69 East Main Street. Please enter on the East Delaware Avenue side, then continue down the hall to the Wesley Lounge.
Here are our Wesley student leaders! On the left, Amelia Seydel- our vice president. On the right, Melissa Wood- our president. They are both very energetic leaders who deeply believe in Wesley's mission. Amelia & Melissa are pictured here at the Invlovement Fair @University of Delaware on August 26, 2024. They spoke to many classmates about getting involved. They are very interested in connecting with students to earn service hours, and in helping people and our earth. Let's make that connection!
The Wesley Foundation at UD has been a member of Reconciling Ministries Network for more that two decades.
Upcoming Events
UD Move-In Weekend Water Brigade
Friday, August 23rd
Saturday, August 24th
8am - 4pm at various locations
UD Student Involvement Fair
Monday, August 26th
1pm - 4pm on Academy Street
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/udwesley
GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/88760265/LdIcA6wC
Instagram: @udelwesley
Discord: https://discord.gg/uu7qB2
Join us at one of our weekly events!