Where and When to find us
The University of Delaware Wesley Foundation is housed within Newark UMC, located at 69 East Main Street in downtown Newark.
Weekly Events
Morning Worship - Students are welcome to attend any service. There is the 11am contemporary SonSpirit worship service upstairs in Heritage Hall. Newark UMC also offers a traditional worship service upstairs in the Sanctuary at 8am and 9:30am. We offer a FREE FELLOWSHIP BUNCH following the 11am service every Sunday in the Wesley Lounge (Room 107).
If you are unable to attend live, you can watch the 9:30 traditional service at any time on the Newark UMC website http://newark-umc.org/wp/livestream-videos/.
Bible Discussion Group - This is a time of sharing & discovering how a book written over two thousand years ago is still relevant in today's world. For those who would like to attend, Wednesday evenings starting at 7 pm in the Wesley Lounge (Room 107), led by our amazing campus pastor Rev. Ward Mesick. We would love for you to join us!
Game Night (every other Friday) - Looking for a fun way to unwind from the week? Join us for sharing, caring, and having fun!
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors... But which door?
Sunday mornings - Every door is open!
At any other time, please use the Welcome Center at the back of the church on E Delaware Ave.
You may be asked to sign in -- just write "Wesley" or "WF" for the group you're with.
Head straight down the hallway to find the Wesley Lounge. Have some time between classes? The lounge is also open during church office hours (M-F, 8-4) if you need a quiet place to study, nap or snack.
Fellowship Events
For events at the church, see door schedule above. For events away from the church, meet in back parking lot.
Seasonal events: Games on the Green, Apple Picking, Settlers of Catan Tournament, Halloween Party, Movie Marathons, Fall Lock-In, etc.
Parking for Wesley events is available in the lot at the back of the church (Delaware Ave. side)